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Research on vibration performance of offshore wind power structure in process of unit start and stop
中文关键词:  海上风电结构  现场振动试验  开停机  振动幅值
英文关键词:offshore wind power structure  site vibration test  start and stop of unit  vibration amplitude
基金项目:国家国际科技合作专项(2012DFA70490); 天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划(青年基金项目)资助项目(12JCQNJC04000)
王玉冰,王海军,董霄峰 (天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室 天津 300072) 
摘要点击次数: 1690
全文下载次数: 975
      Based on site vibration test, the paper analyzed the vibration law of offshore wind power structure in process of unit start and stop.The data show that the vibration amplitude of wind power structure in different work conditions is larger than that in normal running of unit.The range of variation is from 11.23% to 58.45% in start process. The amplitude range is from -25.73% to 387.33% compared with that in normal operation in stop process. It used STD method to recognize the first frequency of wind and power structure that is 0.33Hz. At the same time, the paper carried on the analysis of oscillation range of tower. The result showed that wind and power structure can meet the requirement of structure safety.
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