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胡朝阳, 王二朋, 王新强.水库与河道采砂共同作用下的河道演变分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(3):178-183
Analysis of channel evolution under combined action of reservoir and channel sand excavation
中文关键词:  水沙特征  水库  采砂  河道演变  闽江
英文关键词:water and sediment features  reservoir  sand excavation  channel evolution  Minjiang River
胡朝阳1,2, 王二朋3, 王新强1,2 (1.福建省水利水电勘测设计研究院 福建 福州 350001 2.福建省水工程水动力研究中心福建 福州 350001 3.中国长江三峡集团公司三峡梯调成都调控中心 四川 成都 610042) 
摘要点击次数: 1847
全文下载次数: 905
      The channel evolution under combined action of reservoir and river course sand excavation has its uniqueness.Taking the Lower Reaches of Minjiang river for example, the paper analyzed the channel evolution under combined action of reservoir and channel sand excavation. The results showed that under the combined action of reservoir water discharge and channel sand excavation, the evolution of lower reaches of Minjiang mainly presents longitudinal and lateral large scour, the area of channel cross section increases significantly, and the sediment loss is great. The river bed shows more stable and the changes of scouring and silting is slight in North port while the sand excavation is forbidden. The channel evolution caused by reservoir and river course sand excavation aims to reach balance between scouring and silting. Under combined action of reservoir and channel sand excavation, the evolution presents three characteristics: the channel scour is aggravated and the river bed erosion is in large scale:the fluvial rule is more complicated and the evolution trend is difficult to predict accurately;the adverse effects of channel evolution is very severe.
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