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赵 东, 彭 畅.受干支流回水影响的断面水位与流量关系研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(3):175-177
Research on relation of water level and discharge of a section area affected by backwater from trunk stream and tributary
中文关键词:  干支流回水  水位流量关系  综合流量  单值化
英文关键词:backwater of trunk stream and tributary  relation of water level and discharge  synthetic discharge  single value relationship
赵 东, 彭 畅 (长江水利委员会水文局 长江上游水文水资源勘测局 重庆 400014) 
摘要点击次数: 1680
全文下载次数: 1012
      Based on analysis on relation of water level and dishcharge of a section area affected by backwater from trunk stream and tributary,the paper proposed a new concept of synthetic discharge reflecting influence of backwater from trunk stream and tributary then established a single relationship between stage and synthetic discharge. The method was applied to Xiangjiaba station in the Jinsha River basin and results showed that the single relationship between stage and synthetic discharge is steady.The discharge at backwater section can be estimated promptly by the method and actual water level.The method can provide timely and effective water level and discharge information for the decision of flood control and dispatcher at lower reaches.
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