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董双快, 朱新萍, 吴福飞, 黄春萍, 贾宏涛.锂渣对酸性Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附机理及固化水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(3):100-104
Adsorption mechanism and solidity of acidic Cr(Ⅵ) by lithium-slag
中文关键词:  锂渣  六价铬离子  吸附机理  工业废水  铬离子去除
英文关键词:lithium-slag  Cr(Ⅵ)  adsorption mechanism  industrial wastewater  Cr6+ removal
基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区研究生科研创新项目(XJGRI2014072) ; 土壤学新疆重点学科(XJ-201103)
董双快a, 朱新萍a, 吴福飞b, 黄春萍a, 贾宏涛a (新疆农业大学 a. 草业与环境科学学院 b.水利与土木工程学院 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052) 
摘要点击次数: 2286
全文下载次数: 1031
      为了去除工业废水的六价铬,采用工业废渣——锂渣来做吸附试验,探讨pH值、温度、初始浓度对去除率的影响。经过实验发现,去除Cr6+的最佳pH值范围是 3.0~4.0,并且随着Cr6+逐渐被吸附,溶液的pH值逐渐升高;在不同温度下,颗粒内扩散模型、准一级速率方程、准二级速率方程对Cr6+的吸附动力学方程的相关较好,以温度为40℃最优,且符合Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附模型,最大吸附量达13.785mg/g。结果表明:锂渣中FeO的含量下降了0.2%,Cr3+和Cr6+的含量分别提高了0.2022%和0.0309%。说明锂渣对酸性Cr6+的吸附包含了还原与吸附两个作用,锂渣中的FeO充当了还原剂,降低了Cr6+的浓度,随着锂渣的吸附作用,将Cr3+从水中去除。将吸附Cr6+的锂渣与水泥作为胶凝材料加水成型试件,养护3个月后测试出Cr6+的溶出量均满足我国地表水III类和地下水III 类规定的要求。
      In order to remove Cr6+ in industrial wastewater, this paper used industrial waste material such as lithium-slag to do adsorption experiments so as to explore the influence of pH, temperature, initial concentration on removal rate.The study showed that the optimum pH value range is 3.5-4.0, and pH value gradually increased with the gradual adsorption of Cr6+. The relationship of particle diffusion model, quasi-one rate equation, quasi-two rate equation for adsorbing Cr6+ of dynamic equations is better under different temperatures.The optimal temperature is 40℃,which conform Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm model.The maximum adsorption capacity is 3.785 mg/g.Component analysis showed that the content of FeO in lithium-slag decreases by 0.2% and that of Cr3+ and Cr6+ increases 0.2022% and 0.0309% respectively,which indicate that the adsorption of lithium-slag to acidic Cr6+ contains two effects of restoration and adsorption.FeO in lithium-slag acted as a reducing agent that reduces concentration of Cr6+.Cr3+ is removed from water with adsorption effect of lithium slag. The lithium-slag of adsorbing Cr6+ and cement are used as cementing material prepared into test piece which can meet class III of surface water and groundwater after conserved 3 months.
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