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俞妙言, 杨高升.平原河网堤防水文失事及应急预案研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(3):85-89
Research on hydrological failure of embankment of plain river network and emergency plan
中文关键词:  水动力学模型; 平原河网  水文失事  应急预案
英文关键词:hydrodanamic model  plain river network  hydrological failure  emergency plan
俞妙言, 杨高升 (河海大学 工程管理研究所, 江苏 南京 211100) 
摘要点击次数: 1887
全文下载次数: 940
      The paper used river hydrodynamic model to simulate the process of water level variation.Through the analysis of reliability to calculate hydrological failure probability,it combined with reserve drown value to evaluate embankment hydrologic crash risk. As an example for empirical calculation in Suzhou,it got hydrological accident probability and expected loss value under the existing scheduling scheme. The results showed that embankment hydrologic accident probability is so large that it shows the emergency demand for the increase of embankment height. The paper setup the base of relationship between benefit, cost and height of embankment and got the optimal height of embankment heightening in order to provide the basis for the decision-making of emergency preparation during flood season.
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