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李改琴, 孙夏利, 李学军.膜料防渗人工湖水质模拟试验研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(3):55-59
Experiment on water quality simulation in artificial lake of film waterproof
中文关键词:  防渗  人工湖  EFDC模型  WASP模型
英文关键词:impervious  artificial lake  EFDC model  WASP model
李改琴1, 孙夏利2, 李学军3 (1.杨凌职业技术学院 陕西 杨凌 712100 2.陕西省水文水资源勘测局 陕西 西安 710068 3.西安世博园 陕西 西安 710024) 
摘要点击次数: 1820
全文下载次数: 1742
      为防止西安世博园人工湖运营管理不当可能发生水质富营养化问题,选用EFDC水动力学模型和WASP水质模型对世博园79 hm2膜料防渗人工湖进行了变水质、变流量等4种情景下的模拟试验研究。研究表明:仅用于人工湖生态需水量而不考虑湖体循环用水量的最小直接补水时,水流速度缓慢,120 d即出现营养物质累积、湖体水质开始富营养化。循环直接补水控制在1 m3/s流量时,并不能有效地改变湖内水力条件不良“死区”的污染物累积现象。最小达标补水比最小直接补水效果明显,循环达标补水效果更好。研究认为,世博园人工湖水系经济安全运行最长时间为120 d,与此同时必须构建湖内水生态系统,提高湖体自净能力。
      Aimed at the problem of water eutrophication in Xi'an Expo Park artificial lake that occurs as a result of mismanagement,the paper used EFDC hydrodynamic model and WASP water quality model carried out the simulation research on 79 hectares film waterproof artificial lake system in Xi'an Expo Park under four situations such as changing water quality, discharge and so on.Experiment shows that only used for artificial lake ecological water requirements without considering the minimum directly-filling water of systemic circulation, nutrients will accumulate in 120 days because of slow water velocity and eutrophication occur in the lake.When the circulated direct replenishment is controlled in the scope of 1 m3/s,the pollutant accumulation phenomenon can't be effectively changed at “dead zone” of hydraulic condition badness in thel lake. The effect of minimum standard water is more obvious than that of minimal direct replenishment.The effect of standard replenishment water with circulation is the best in four scenarios simulation. Research suggests that the longest economic security days is 120d in the artificial lake of Xi'an Expo Park.The water ecosystem in lake must be constructed so as to improve itself purification capacity.
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