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许智华, 张道方, 陈维芳.负载纳米水合氧化铁活性炭去除水中铅的实验研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(3):10-13
Experiment on lead removal in water by nanoscale hydrated ferric oxide loaded activated carbon
中文关键词:  纳米水合氧化铁  活性炭  水体铅污染  铅去除  动态小柱实验
英文关键词:nano scale hydrated ferric oxide  activated carbon  water lead pollution  lead removal  dynamic small column experiment
基金项目:上海市科学技术委员会重点科技攻关专项(13230502300); 上海市环境保护科学技术发展基金重点科研项目(沪环科2012-03)
许智华, 张道方, 陈维芳 (上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 1969
全文下载次数: 1034
      The paper prepared a nanoscale hydrated ferric oxide loaded activated carbon by co-precipitation procedure so as to study its adsorption capacity to lead and structure variation of activated carbon before and after loading and also carried out TEM and XRD characterized analysis.It used dynamic small column test to study the effect of pH, feed concentrations and empty bed contact time on activated carbon's adsorption capacity to lead, and prepared breakthrough curves of unloaded and loaded activated carbon in natural river water. Results indicated that amorphous nanoscale hydrated ferric oxide can be successfully loaded in activated carbon which can improve the adsorption capacity of activate carbon for lead after loaded. The adsorptive capacity increases with the increase of pH and empty bed contact time.In addition, the water concentration does not affect the adsorption capacity of lead.The paper took natural river water as treatment object and got the result that the operational bed volume of activated carbon at breakthrough point before and after loaded are 1233 and 11004 respectively and increased by 9 times.The study showed that amorphous nanoscale hydrated ferric oxide loaded activated carbon can effectively remove lead in actual wastewater and the method has good application prospect.
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