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葛 菁, 吴 楠, 何 方, 方降龙, 冯朝阳.新安江上游生态系统产水服务及价值水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(2):90-96
Service and value of water yield of ecosystem in upper reaches of Xin′an River
中文关键词:  土地覆被  下垫面  水分存储  产水服务  实际供水量  经济价值  新安江上游
英文关键词:land cover  underlying surface  water storage  service of water yield  actual water supply  economic value  upper reaches of Xin'an river
基金项目:安徽省省级环保科研计划项目(2011-001(1)号;2012-006号); “十二五”农村领域国家科技计划项目(2012BAJ21B07-02)
葛 菁1, 吴 楠1, 何 方2, 方降龙1, 冯朝阳3 (1.安徽省环境科学研究院 安徽 合肥 230071 2.安徽农业大学 资源与环境学院 安徽 合肥 2300363.中国环境科学研究院国家环境保护区域生态过程与功能评估重点实验室 北京 100012) 
摘要点击次数: 4136
全文下载次数: 5139
      为模拟新安江上游下垫面水分存储因素对其实际供水能力的影响,采用降雨和潜在蒸散发及下垫面特征参数,结合耗水量模拟2010年新安江上游实际供水量及水资源的能值价值。结果表明:流域为下游贡献汇流量71.1×108 m3,总价值达到29.9亿元。率水、街源河子流域供水能力较强。中部河谷平原区由于人为耗水过程,原本产水高值区成为实际供水的低值区。模拟产水量精度达97.0%,适用性较好,但下垫面参数仍需结合实测进一步优化。
      In order to make distributed simulation for the impact of surface water storage factor on the ability of actual water supply in the upper reaches of Xinan river,the paper took the precipitation, potential evaportranspiration, characteristic parameter of underlying surface and combined water consumption to simulate the actual amount of water and its economic value in the upper reaches of Xinan river watershed in 2010.The results showed that actual water supply to downstream is 71.1×108 m3 and the total economic value of water resource is 29.9×108 Yuan. The ability of water supply in Lushui and Jieyuan River watershed is stronger. The ability of water supply in these subwatersheds is much stronger such as Shuaishui and. Dew to the process of artificial water consumption in the watershed of central river valley, the higher value area of water yield has become the lower value one of water yield. The simulation accuracy of water yield in the upper reaches of Xinan river is 97.0%. The stability and applicability of the model is better, but the parameters of underlying surface need further optimum combining accurate situation.
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