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刘少波, 张可能, 吴有平, 刘 创.临湖矿坑挡水围堤软基沉降数值分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(1):203-206
Numerical analysis of settlement of soft soil foundation for retaining water dam in lakeside open-pit mine
中文关键词:  临湖矿坑  挡水围堤  软土地基  沉降预测  ADINA
英文关键词:lakeside mine  retaining water dam  soft soil foundation  settlement prediction  ADINA
刘少波, 张可能, 吴有平, 刘 创 (中南大学 地球科学与信息物理学院 湖南 长沙 410083) 
摘要点击次数: 1981
全文下载次数: 1087
      为了预测拟建临湖挡水围堤施工期和运行期的沉降变形,研究软土堤基沉降规律及孔隙水压力消散规律,为围堤设计施工和类似堤基沉降预测提供参考,论文采用有限元分析软件ADINA对湖水作用下围堤施工期和运行期的软土堤基沉降进行了模拟分析。研究结果表明:软土堤基沉降和水平位移均呈现出在施工期快速增长、运行期趋于稳定的变化规律,最大沉降2.077 m,围堤内外侧最大水平位移分别为1.351和0.8376 m;孔隙水压力随时间和荷载的增加呈现先增加后减小直至完全消散的变化规律,最大值31 kPa。
      In order to predict the settlement of soft soil foundation for retaining water dam in construction period and operating period,the paper studied the settlement rule of soft soil foundation and the dissipation law of pore water pressure.The result can offer a reference for the design and construction of dam and the settlement forecast of similar soft soil foundation.The paper analyzed the settlement rule of soft soil foundation under retaining water dam in construction period and operating period by use of finite element analysis software. The results showed that the settlement and the horizontal displacement of soft soil foundation increase rapidly in construction period and tends to stable in operating period. The maximum settlement is 2.077m, and the maximum horizontal displacements inside and outside the dam are 1.351m and 0.8376m.The pore water pressure increases first and then decreases with the increase of time and load, and finally is reduced to zero. The maximum pore water pressure is 31 kPa.
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