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柳丽英, 刘宏泰.深挖方溢洪道黄土地基承载力取值问题研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(1):189-193
Research on value selection of bearing capacity of loess foundation in deep excavated spillway
中文关键词:  黄土; 地基承载力; 板宽与挖深校正; 复合地基  深挖方溢洪道
英文关键词:loess  foundation bearing capacity  correction of plate width and excavated deep  composite foundation  deep excavated spillway
柳丽英, 刘宏泰 (机械工业勘察设计研究院 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 1808
全文下载次数: 1098
      The selection of soil foundation bearing capacity for deep excavated spillway is very important for spillway design, because it is related to the design of side wall supporting and retaining structure and spillway floor reinforcement.This paper analyzed the difference in the codes by combining the loess foundation engineering of stilling basin of a reservoir spillway in Shaanxi.The suggestion is that it doesn't need to correct width plate and excavated deep for side wall supporting and retaining structure and spillway floor, because they have different stress mechanism with building's overall instability. Meanwhile, because the loading after unloading modulus of soil is much higher than the loading modulus and the size of load board is small in loading test, the foundation bearing capacity by loading test only reflects the value of expansive area after unloading and is lower than practical bearing capacity.So it is suggested that foundation bearing capacity by loading test should be compared with gravity stress of original overlying soil for foundation excavation depth more than 5m.The foundation bearing capacity should adopt the value of gravity stress of original overlying soil when foundation bearing capacity by loading tests is lower.
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