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韩元元, 刘 辉.云南中北部地区1954-2012年干旱评价研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(1):111-115
Study on evaluation of drought in central north region of Yunnan Province from 1954 to 2012
中文关键词:  标准化降水指数  干旱统计; 干旱频次; 干旱评价; 云南中北部地区
英文关键词:standardized precipitation index (SPI)  drought statistics  frequency of drought  evaluation of drought  central and northern area of Yunnan
韩元元, 刘 辉 (贵州省水利水电勘测设计研究院 贵阳 550002) 
摘要点击次数: 2354
全文下载次数: 1081
      利用云南中北部地区6个气象站点1954-2012年资料, 选用标准化指数计算各站点干旱指数,统计分析了云南中北部地区1954-2012年发生干旱的年份及发生不同干旱的频次。研究结果表明:①临沧站出现干旱的年份较多,但蒙自站出现极端干旱的年份明显高于其他5站;②各站点在不同季节出现干旱的频次不同,其中腾冲在春季相比于其他5站,发生干旱的频率较高35.6%,临沧站在夏季和冬季发生干旱频率均较大,分别为35.6%和37.9%,蒙自站在秋季发生干旱频率最大,为34.8%。研究成果可为云南中北部地区的干旱评价分析和水资源保护提供一定的参考价值。
      The paper used the data from 6 meteorological stations in central and northern areas of Yunnan from 1954 to 2012,and selected standardized index to calculate drought index of each site,and analyzed drought years and frequency of occurrence of different drought occurred in the period of 1954 to 2012 in north central area of Yunnan. The research results show that the Lincang station appears more drought years, the year number of extreme drought appeared in Mengzi station is higher than that in other 5 stations; the drought frequency each site is different in different seasons. The drought frequency in Tengchong in spring is higher than that in other 5 stations and reaches 35.6%. The drought frequencies are the greatest in Lincang station in summer and winter, and are 35.6% and 37.9% respectively. The drought frequency in Mengzi station in autumn is 34.8% which is the maximum.The research can provide a certain reference for drought evaluation and protection of water resources in central and northern area of Yunnan.
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