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依热下提·卡米力, 李建柱, 冯 平.潘家口水库流域土地利用变化的水文响应分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(1):47-51
Analysis of hydrological response to change of land use in Panjiakou reservoir watershed
中文关键词:  土地利用变化  水文响应  SWAT模型  潘家口水库流域
英文关键词:land use change  hydrological response  SWAT model  Panjiakou reservoir watershed
依热下提·卡米力, 李建柱, 冯 平 (天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室 天津 300072) 
摘要点击次数: 2134
全文下载次数: 1158
      Taking Panjiakou Reservoir watershed as study area ,the paper applied distributed mechanism hydrological model SWAT(soil and water assessment tool) to quantitatively evaluate the effects of land use change on runoff process in the watershed.The changes land use in 2006 mainly showed the reduction of agricultural land the increase of forest and pasture area compared with that in 1980 ,and there were little changes in water area and urban land. It used observed monthly flow data from Jan.1986 to Dec1999 at three hydrologic stations to calibrate and validate the model.It simulated the natural runoff processes in different land use scenarios. The results showed that compared with land use scenarios of 1980,the average runoff of many years in 1986 decreased by eleven percent.For different typical hydrological years, the influence of land use change on runoff is the greatest in dry years and is general in wet years and mean years; the influence of land use change on runoff mainly indicated the decrease of runoff in flood season.The result shows that water conservation capacity of Panjiakou Reservoir watershed is increasing in resent years.The study on impacts of land use change on runoff in Panjiakou reservoir watershed has practical significance for the plan of reasonable land use and comprehensive management of local water resources.
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