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常远勇, 谈建国, 彭 杰, 顾 问.上海市日供水量与气象要素的相关性分析及预测模型的建立水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(1):32-36
Relativity analysis of daily water supply and meteorology factor and establishment of forecast model in Shanghai
中文关键词:  日供水量  气象要素  相关性  供水预测模型
英文关键词:daily water supply  meteorological factor  correlation  forecast model of water supply
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41275021); 上海市科委项目(13231201400)
常远勇1, 谈建国1, 彭 杰1,2, 顾 问1 (1.上海市气象科学研究所 上海 200030
2.北京师范大学 北京 100875) 
摘要点击次数: 2357
全文下载次数: 1172
      Based on the data of daily water supply and meteorology in Shanghai from May 2010 to December 2013,The paper analyzed the correlation between daily water supply and meteorological factors,and established forecast model of daily water supply.The results show that daily water supply generally presents volatility distribution with one peak and one valley within one year.The daily water supply is the largest in summer (especially in July and August)and the smallest in winter (especially in February). The daily water supply exhibits significant holiday effect and has significant relativity with all the meteorological factors except precipitation., The correlativity of daily water supply with the meteorological factor in the summer half year is much higher than that in winter half year. The water supply is most closely correlated to temperature and has the highest correlation coefficient with the temperature of the day before. Meanwhile,the water supply has extremely sensitive response to the variation of temperature when it is greater than 20℃. The forecast model has high precision and can provide the scientific basis for the meteorological services of urban water plan and reasonable dispatch.
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