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汪明武, 蒋 辉, 张立彪, 赵奎元.基于联系隶属度的城市需水量预测模型水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(1):12-15
Forecast model of urban water demand based on connectional membership degree
中文关键词:  需水量  Fisher最优分割法  联系隶属度  集对分析  需水量预测
英文关键词:water demand  fisher optimal partition method  connectional membership degree  set pair analysis  forecast of urban water demand
汪明武, 蒋 辉, 张立彪, 赵奎元 (合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院 安徽 合肥 230009) 
摘要点击次数: 2416
全文下载次数: 1174
      The forecast of urban water demand is the basis of plan and management of ecological city. However, it is a complex problem affected by various uncertainty factors. In order to express the integration and blending relationships of certainty and uncertainty among influence factors and between samples and historical data as a whole,the paper used an orderly clustering theory and coupling method of set pair analysis to present a forecast model of urban water demand based on connectional membership degree. In the model, the ordered historical data of urban water demand of corresponding years was first clustered according to Fisher's optimal partition method, then the identical-discrepancy-contrary analysis was carried out to express the relationship between impact factors of one year and historical data. Moreover,it structured a similar model to forecast city water demand of corresponding year.The results from the practical example and comparative analyses with other methods show it is reasonable and effective for application of the model to prediction of city water demand.
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