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吴 熙, 王卫英, 姜荣飞.电动三通比例阀三维湍流数值分析及优化控制水资源与水工程学报[J].,2014,25(6):222-225
Numerical analysis and control optimization of 3D turbulent for 3-way proportional valve
中文关键词:  三通比例阀  计算流体力学  流量比例  优化控制
英文关键词:3-way proportional valve  computational fluid dynamics( CFD)  proportion of flow rate  control optimization
吴 熙, 王卫英, 姜荣飞 (南京航空航天大学 机电学院 江苏 南京 210016) 
摘要点击次数: 1992
全文下载次数: 1039
      In order to analyze the issue of flow characteristics of 3-way proportional valve in pipeline system,the paper carried out the numerical simulation of three-dimensional flow field to the actual size of 3-way proportional valves, and analyzed the variation law of the proportion of outlet flow and head loss ratio with the change of inlet Re and position of valve core. While the 3-way valve is used to mix flow ,it analyzed the variation law of inlet flow with pressure difference of outlet and in let.The conclusion are that the flow rate of proportion valve is mainly affected by valve core position and the better way to reduce the local resistance is to reduce Re of the inlet in the condition of certain mid-stream forms and wall roughness. The method realized optimization control based on characteristics curve of flow proportion.
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