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张志昌, 傅铭焕, 贾 斌, 赵 莹.渐扩综合式消力池尾坎高度和作用力的计算水资源与水工程学报[J].,2014,25(6):137-141
Calculation of height and force of baffle wall style in comprehensive and gradual expanding stilling basin
中文关键词:  渐扩综合式消力池; 池深; 坎高  作用力
英文关键词:comprehensive and gradual expanding stilling basin  depth of stilling basin  height  force
张志昌, 傅铭焕, 贾 斌, 赵 莹 (西安理工大学, 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 2090
全文下载次数: 1023
      The paper studied the calculation method of depth, height and force of comprehensive and gradual expanding stilling basin .According to hydraulic jump equation, weir flow theory and the result of previous research for length of hydraulic jump, conjugate depth and submerged coefficient in gradual expanding stilling basin,it analyzed the design method of comprehensive and gradual expanding stilling basin and researched the force of baffle wall style in accordance with momentum equation.The formula of wall height and force proposed by the paper is not only adaptable to the design of comprehensive and gradual expanding stilling basin but also to that of gradual expanding type and baffle wall style stilling basin.The calculation method is new and the process is simple.The precision meet the design requirements.
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