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袁树堂, 刘新有, 王红鹰.基于区域发展规划的嵩明县水资源供需平衡预测水资源与水工程学报[J].,2014,25(6):76-81
Prediction of water resources supply and demand balance in Songming county based on regional development plan
中文关键词:  可供水量  需水预测  耗水预测  供需平衡  嵩明县
英文关键词:amount of water supply  demand prediction  consumption prediction  balance of supply and demand  Songming County
袁树堂, 刘新有, 王红鹰 (云南省水文水资源局 云南 昆明 650106) 
摘要点击次数: 2461
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      Regional development plan is the basis of water demand prediction.The balance analysis of supply and demand of water resources is an important mean to test whether the regional development planning is feasible .Based on the development and utilization plan of water resources and social economy development planning in Songming county, the paper analyzed water supply, water demand,and water supply and demand balance. The results show that water demand presents a trend of increase,but water consume shows a trend of decrease;according to the calculation of new water demand in flat water year,the amount of water demand is slightly more than the amount of water supply in 2012 and 2030.However, the amount of water demand is less than the amount of water supply in 2020 and 2025,but in accordance with P=75% required to calculate new water demand, every level year has different degrees short of water resources;water consumption is less than water supply in each year which indicates the amount of water supply is completely capable of supporting the scale and level of social economy development planning under the full consideration of the secondary utilization of water resources. In the implementation of planning water-use efficiency, the social economy development planning is adaptable to the utilization of water resources planning in Songming county.
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