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崔宇龙, 黄 涛, 彭道平, 贺玉龙.川西高原某水库坝址区渗流场模拟及渗漏量计算水资源与水工程学报[J].,2014,25(5):51-54
Simulation of seepage field and calculation of leakage in reservoir dam site of Western Sichuan Plateau
中文关键词:  渗流场数值模拟  渗漏量  水库坝址区  川西高原
英文关键词:numerical simulation of seepage field  leakage  reservoir dam site  western sichuan plateau
崔宇龙, 黄 涛, 彭道平, 贺玉龙 (西南交通大学 地球科学与环境工程学院 成都 611756) 
摘要点击次数: 2200
全文下载次数: 1110
      为定量评价某水库坝址坝肩渗漏量,以期为大坝防渗处理提供依据。运用Visual MODFLOW三维渗流软件,模拟坝址区在水库蓄水前后的三维渗流场,同时计算坝址断面处水库蓄水前的渗流量和水库蓄水后的渗漏量。模拟结果表明由于大坝的修建,坝址上游的地表水位抬升,使得地下水流动方向发生逆转,坝址断面处的渗漏量也有较大增长,工程对区域地下水环境造成了较为明显的影响。故从工程安全角度考虑,需要对坝基、坝肩进行防渗处理。
      In order to provide the basis for dam seepage treatment, this paper quantitatively evaluated the abutment seepage of a reservoir dam. Visual MODFLOW was applied to simulate the change of groundwater flow field around the reservoir dam site.Meanwhile, the seepage flows before the impoundment of reservoir and after the impoundment of the reservoir at dam site section are both calculated. Simulation results show that because of the construction of dam, the surface water table rises up, which reverses the direction of groundwater flow.The amount of leakage at the section of dam site also has great growth. The dam has produced obvious effect on the regional groundwater environment. Hence,from the consideration of engineering safety, it is necessary to carry out some measures to protect the dam.
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