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江 晖, 曾庆文, 罗正维, 胡龙志, 耿文华, 韦 萍.沼液预处理最优混凝搅拌条件的研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2014,25(3):147-151
Study on optimal condition of coagulation and agitation in pretreatment of biogas slurry
中文关键词:  沼液  水污染  水处理  混凝工艺  污染物去除率
英文关键词:biogas slurry  water pollution  water treatment  coagulation technique  removal rate of pollutant
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD15B02); 863计划(2012AA021405); 省科技支撑计划项目(BE2010359)
江 晖, 曾庆文, 罗正维, 胡龙志, 耿文华, 韦 萍 (南京工业大学 生物与制药工程学院 南京 211816) 
摘要点击次数: 1933
全文下载次数: 932
      通过混凝法对沼液进行预处理最优条件的研究,为沼液预处理提供参考。在实验室条件下,对COD、TN、TP、色度和SS的去除率综合评价混凝工艺效果。实验中依次进行混凝剂投加量、助凝剂投加量、pH和搅拌强度的单因素实验,进而通过正交实验确定沼液预处理最优的混凝搅拌条件。试验结果表明:PAC投加量为4 g/L、PAM投加量为50 mg/L、搅拌速度为200 r/min、混凝阶段同时投加PAC和PAM,处理后的水样COD、TN、TP、色度和SS分别为216.20、181.99、0.18、11.77和71.67 mg/L,去除率分别达到92.51%、88.85%、99.75%、98.37%和89.46%,达到畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准(GB18596-2001),减轻了后续污水处理的负荷,为沼液实际处理提供了理论支持。
      The optimal condition of pretreatment of biogas slurry by coagulation was researched in order to provide reference for the pretreatment of biogas slurry. The effects of coagulant tcchnique were evaluated according to the removal of COD, TN, TP, color and SS under laboratory conditions. The optimum technological conditions were determined based on the single factor and orthogonal experiments. The results showed that in the conditions of which dosage of PAC is 4 g/L, dosage of PAM is 50 mg/L,stirring speed is 200 r/min,while PAC and PAM are added in stage of coagulation, the contents of COD, TN, TP, color and SS were decreased to 216.20, 181.99, 0.18, 11.77 and 71.67 mg/L respectively, the removal rate of COD, TN, TP, color and SS were reached to 92.51%, 88.85%, 99.75%, 98.37% and 89.46% respectively,which could completely meet the discharge standard of pollutants for livestock and poultry breeding(GB18596-2001),which can reduce the load of subsequent wastewater treatment and provide theoretical support for the practical treatment of biogas slurry.
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