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朱瑞瑞, 祝建中, 吉栋梁, 陈冠寰, 戴会超.基于Fluent的直管式旋桨反应器三维流场的数值模拟水资源与水工程学报[J].,2014,25(2):149-152
Simulation of 3-dimensional flow field for stirred reactor of straight pipe
中文关键词:  直管式旋桨反应器  湍流  数值模拟  计算流体力学
英文关键词:stirred reactor of straight pipe  turbulent flow  numerical simulation  computer fluid dynamics
基金项目:教育部留学人员回国启动基金(No.1061-51200312);国家杰出青年科学基金(Grant No. 50925932)
朱瑞瑞a,b, 祝建中a,b, 吉栋梁a,b, 陈冠寰a,b, 戴会超c (河海大学 a.浅水湖泊综合治理与资源开发教育部重点实验室
c.水利水电学院 江苏 南京 210098) 
摘要点击次数: 1695
全文下载次数: 1279
      运用计算流体力学(CFD)软件对新型直管式旋桨反应器进行流场模拟。用Gambit建立三维实体模型,采用多重参考系法(MRF)和标准κ-ε双方程模型对反应器内液相流场进行模拟,运用Tecplot对计算结果进行后处理。结果表明:计算所选模型能较准确地模拟反应器内的流场分布,反应器内最大流速和湍动能分布在桨叶端部附近,流体的整体流动趋势以环流为主,有利于不同区域内物料的均匀混合;相比于单一桨叶反应器,该多组合桨叶反应器能提供更大范围的紊动流场。在模拟物为水体的情况下,本反应器对应的最佳转速是40 r/min,并提出反应器在水环境中的应用方法。
      This paper applied the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to simulate 3-Dimensional flow field for a straight pipe stirred reactor. Multiple reference frames (MRF) impeller rotation model and standard κ-ε turbulence model were used to simulate the flow field by using Gambit to build 3-Dimensional reality model. Than it used Tecplot to treat calculation result. The result showed that the calculation model could simulate detailed information on distribution of velocity and turbulence kinetic energy. The maximum velocity and turbulent kinetic energy in the ractor distribute in the vicinity of blade tip.The overall flow trend of fluid is mainly ring circulation,which is conducive to the uniform mixture of materials in different areas; compared to single blade reactor, the combination of multi blade reactor can provide a turbulent flow of wider range. Under the circumstance of simulation material being water, the best speed corresponding to the reactor is 40 r/min.The paper proposed a application method of the reactor in water environment.
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