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王 薇, 吕宁江, 王 昕, 孙 力.黄河三角洲水土资源空间匹配格局探析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2014,25(2):66-70
Study on spatial matching pattern of water and soil resources in Yellow River delta
中文关键词:  水土资源  空间匹配  水资源匹配系数  黄河三角洲
英文关键词:water and soil resources  space matching pattern  space matching pattern of water and soil resources  Yellow River delta
基金项目:水利部公益性行业科研专项项目(201201115); 水利部科技推广项目(TG1204)
王 薇1,2, 吕宁江1, 王 昕1, 孙 力1 (1.山东省水利科学研究院 山东 济南 250013
2.山东省水资源与水环境重点实验室 山东 济南 250013) 
摘要点击次数: 1826
全文下载次数: 1040
      The spatial matching pattern of water and soil resources directly effects the sustainable development of regional agriculture and the sustainable use of resources. Regarding Dongying city and its counties in district of Yellow River delta as research area, the paper analyzed the different spatial distributions of water and soil resources in the area , constructed the matching calculation model, calculated the matching coefficient and divided the spatial matching degree of water and soil resources. The results show that the whole water and soil resources in the area presents the situation which soil resources are rich and water resources are scarce. The matching coefficient of water and soil resources in Dongying city is 1900 m3/hm2 which is below the average ratio of 300 m3/hm2 in Shandong province, and is far below the national average value of 17200 m3/hm2. Among the counties of Dongying City, the lowest coefficient in Lijin County is 700 m3/hm2 and the highest in Guangrao is 4200 m3/hm2. The difference between the two counties is 3500 m3/hm2. The matching degree of the research area on the whole presents that the south is high, the middle is low and the north is in the middle. The shortage of surface water resources and the finite underground resources are the major factors which lead to the lower spatial matching degree of water and soil resources in Yellow River Delta.
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