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饶平平, 宋忠强, 闫雪明.活性炭处理电渗过程中阳极产生的裂缝试验研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2014,25(2):17-23
Experiment on crack produced by anode in process of electro-osmotic treatment by activated carbon
中文关键词:  电渗  阳极裂缝处理  活性炭  电势降  排水处理
英文关键词:electro-osmosis  anodic crack treatment  activated carbon  voltage drop  drainage treatment
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目( 51208301);上海市大学生创新创业训练计划(52-12-307-200);上海理工大学环境与建筑学院大学生帮困创新基金
饶平平, 宋忠强, 闫雪明 (上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 1866
全文下载次数: 1140
      The test of electro-osmotic drainage of two group was conducted in a self-made test tank.The first test (T1)was aimed at exploring the influence extent of crack which was produced near anode and cathode in process of electro-osmosis on electro-osmotic results.Through the contrast of voltage drop, electrical energy and resistance value consumed at crack of two poles, the paper obtained that the influence of anode cracks on electro-osmosis is significant stronger than that of cathode cracks;on which basis, the second test (T2) pretreated the anode cracks by conductive fine powder of activated carbon.By comparing drop consumption, electricity consumption, test displacement and final moisture content of the soil of T1 and T2 in the vicinity of anode voltage,it explored the feasibility of anodic crack treatment, and obtained the preliminary conclusion of anode crack treatment.That the method used activated carbon to pretreat anode cracks was conducive to discharge of water body in the process of electro-osmosis. In short time of test, the energy consumption of anode of soil body by adding activated carbon is greater than that of the fracture.
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