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付意成, 吴文强, 彭文启, 郭文献.基于安全余量的污染物总量控制方法评述水资源与水工程学报[J].,2014,25(2):1-6
Evaluation of method of total amount control of pollutant based on margin of safety
中文关键词:  安全余量  污染物总量控制  污染物最大日负荷量  水资源可持续管理
英文关键词:margin of safety(MOS)  total amount control of pollutant  total maximum daily loads(TMDL)  sustainable management of water resources
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (51279214); 国家自然科学基金项目(512090914)
付意成1, 吴文强1, 彭文启1, 郭文献1,2 (1.中国水利水电科学研究院 北京 100038 2.华北水利水电大学 郑州 450045) 
摘要点击次数: 2007
全文下载次数: 1158
      The paper elaborated the characteristic of margin of safety(MOS)with the help of the relative research achievement of total maximum daily loads (TMDL). According to the different types of margin of safty, it elaborated the process of margin of safty calculation of implicit expression, explicit expression and FOEA. The quantification of the margin of safty and load distribution is the key to promote the improvement of TMDL strategy. The paper supplied the margin of safty calculation method to control pollutants load combing with the previous study results. By considering water quality objectives and water environmental capacity, it elaborated the method of total amount control of pollutants based on mathematical model and sustainable management strategies. Took total amount distribution of pollutant of Yongding River watershed for example and based on the application study of pollutant distribution of margin of safty, the method has important significance for reducing the total amount of pollutant and realizing the standard of water quality in water function area.
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