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Health risk assessment of groundwater pollution in Yueyang
中文关键词:  地下水  地下水污染  健康风险评价  岳阳市
英文关键词:groundwater  ground water pollution  health risk assessment  Yueyang city
张光贵 (湖南省洞庭湖生态环境监测中心 湖南 岳阳 414000) 
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      为研究岳阳市地下水污染对人体健康产生的危害风险,根据2008年岳阳市地下水污染现状调查数据,采用美国环境保护署(U.S.EPA)推荐的水环境健康风险评价模型,对岳阳市地下水通过饮用水途径引起的健康风险进行了评价。结果表明:总健康风险在1.34×10-11~2.21×10-4 a-1之间,平均为2.02×10-5 a-1,低于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受风险水平5×10-5 a-1,表现为潜水=承压水;岳阳市地下水较低健康风险、中等健康风险和较高健康风险比例分别占为38.5%、2.6%和5.1%,总体为较低健康风险;非致癌物质健康风险表现为氟化物>Mn>Fe>NH3-N>NO3-N>Se>NO2-N>Hg>Zn、承压水>潜水;总健康风险主要来自化学致癌物质As,因此As应作为风险决策管理的重点对象。
      In order to study the risk of groundwater pollution on human health in Yueyang,the paper based on the groundwater pollution status survey data of 2008 and ssessed the potential health risk of groundwater pollution through way of drinking in yueyang city by employing the model for water environmental health risk analysis recommended by U.S.EPA. The results show that the total health risk caused by toxic substances to individual person per year is between 1.34×10-11 a-1 and 2.21×10-4 a-1, average value is 2.02×10-5 a-1 which is less than the maximum acceptable level 5×-5 a-1 recommended by ICRP. The rankings of the total health risk are that phreatic water equals onfined water. Lower health risk, secondary health risk and higher health risk of groundwater in Yueyang city are 38.5%, 2.6% and 5.1% respectively, overall, the health risk of groundwater pollution of Yueyang city is lower. The rankings of health risk from non-carcinogens are fluoride>Mn>Fe>NH3-N>NO3-N>Se>NO2-N>Hg>Zn and phreatic water>confined water. Because the total health risk mainly comes from chemical carcinogen As, therefore, stricter governing of As is an effective way to reduce the health risk of groundwater pollution in Yueyang city.
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