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杨 静, 张 磊, 王恩文, 王家录.安顺市喀斯特地区水资源可持续利用评价研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2013,24(6):149-152
Evaluation of sustainable utilization of water resources in karst zone of Anshun
中文关键词:  喀斯特  水资源可持续利用  指标评价  模糊综合评判
英文关键词:karst  sustainable utilization of water resources  index evaluation  AHP
杨 静1, 张 磊1, 王恩文1,2, 王家录1 (1.安顺学院 资源管理与环境科学系 贵州 安顺 5610002.武汉理工大学 资源与环境工程学院 湖北 武汉 430070) 
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      Based on theory of sustainable development ,the paper propose evaluation model of water resources index under the typical karst ecosystem of Guizhou according to terrain of the area and the development and utilization status of water resources. After collecting and analyzing correlation data,the paper confirmed the relative weight of each index by use of mathematic means of the analytic hierarchy process,and then quantitatively evaluated the extent of sustainable utilization of water resources in Anshun.The the results show that the sustainable utilization level of water resources is 2012>2011>2010,which is evidently restricted by social environment and economic development level. However,the system can enrich the research field of water resources and make contributions to the improvement of ecological environment and the realization of sustainable utilization of resource in the karst zone of Anshun.
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