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李 勇, 于宏兵, 艾丽娜, 张时佳, 耿丽娟.Arc Hydro模型提取流域水文信息及精度分析——以松花江流域为例水资源与水工程学报[J].,2013,24(6):120-123
Arc Hydro模型提取流域水文信息及精度分析——以松花江流域为例
Application of Arc Hydro model to extract hydrological information and accuracy analysis: Songhua River basin as an example
中文关键词:  Arc Hydro模型  集水面积阈值  水文信息  子流域提取  精度分析
英文关键词:Arc Hydro model  catchment area threshold  hydrological information  sub watershed extraction  accuracy analysis
李 勇, 于宏兵, 艾丽娜, 张时佳, 耿丽娟 (南开大学 环境科学与工程学院 天津 300071) 
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      流域水文模型已成为流域水文信息提取的重要手段。运用Arc Hydro模型以松花江流域为研究对象,以分辨率为90 m的SRTM DEM为数据源,以松花江流域1∶25万水系矢量数据为参照,分别在400,500和600 km2三个不同集水面积阈值下进行河网提取。运用图像比对软件Alike Duplicate Image Finder对所提取河网进行精度分析。结果显示:集水面积阈值为500 km2下提取的河网最为精确。在500 km2集水面积阈值基础上,运用Arc Hydro模型将松花江流域划分为642个子流域。基于Arc Hydro模型提取的松花江流域河网与实际河网基本一致,说明利用该模型进行流域水文信息提取是合理可行的。
      Watershed hydrological model has become an important means of extraction hydrological information. The paper studied Songhua river basin based on SRTM DEM with 90 m resolution and 1:250,000 river vector data. Arc Hydro model has been applied to extract river network on different catchment area threshold of 400, 500 and 600 km2. The image alignment software such as Alike Duplicate Image Finder has been used to analyze extraction accuracy of river network. The results show that the river network is accurate when the catchment area threshold is 500 km2. Arc Hydro model is used to generate 642 sub-watersheds when the catchment area threshold is 500 km2.The river network of Songhua river basin extracted by Arc Hydro model is consistent with the actual one, which shows that using the model to carry out hydrological information extraction is reasonable.
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