The paper summarized the present situation of water resources development and utilization of Tuquan County and 4related major problems. Based on the characteristics of water shortage in engineering of the County due to lack of water transferring project, it proposed the recommended scheme and two-phase implementation for the water transfer project of Tuquan County. The scheme consisted of 3subprojects such as the second water source project of Tuquan town, the water transfer project between large and small Ermute Rivers and the water transfer project of Jiaoliu River. The project will be completed before 2020. Finally, the paper preliminarily researched the six key issues or techniques of the project such as supply-demand balance of water resources, water transfer ratio, floodwater utilization, canal sediment design , reservoir dredging, canal water loss rate from evaporation and seepage, antifreeze design for headwork and canal, and environmental carrying capacity.