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荣 洁,王腊春.指数平滑法-马尔科夫模型在巢湖水质预测中的应用水资源与水工程学报[J].,2013,24(4):98-102
Application of the exponential smoothing law - Markov model in prediction of water quality of Chaohu lake
投稿时间:2013-04-08  修订日期:2013-05-02
中文关键词:  指数平滑法  马尔科夫预测  水质预测  巢湖
英文关键词:exponential smoothing  Markov prediction  water quality  Chaohu lake
荣 洁 南京大学 地理与海洋科学学院,南京,210046 
王腊春 南京大学 地理与海洋科学学院,南京,210046 
摘要点击次数: 2202
全文下载次数: 1105
      水质预测是水环境管理的重要内容,对工农业生产具有较好的指导意义。以巢湖为例,针对水质变化的随机性,应用指数平滑法-马尔科夫预测法,对合肥湖滨与巢湖裕溪口两大断面2001-2010年 的CODMn、TP、TN数据进行指数平滑处理,预测2011-2013年水质,发现未来几年需要注意TN以及东半湖CODMn的变化,这对宏观上把握水质变化趋势以及污染因子的动态有一定的指导意义,同时也发现指数平滑与马尔科夫预测的结果是一致的,将两者结合,可较好的运用于水质预测中。
      Prediction of water quality is an important method of water environment management and has good guidance significance to industrial and agricultural production. Taking Chaohu Lake for example, aiming at the randomness of the changes in water quality, applying exponential smoothing method - Markov prediction, processing the data of CODMn,TP,TN of the two cross-section of the Hefei Lakeside and Chaohu Yuxikou during 2001-2010by exponential smoothing,the paper forecasted the water quality from 2011to 2013,and found out that the changes of TN as well as CODMn of the eastern half of Lake need to be paid attention to in the next few years.Which has certain guiding significance to grasp water quality change and pollution factor trend .Also found out that the forecast results of exponential smoothing method keep consistent with that of the Markov''s prediction , the combination of the two can be better applied to the prediction of water quality.
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