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张 杰,贾绍凤.基于SWAT模型的湟水流域蓝绿水与不同土地利用类型的绿水差异研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2013,24(4):6-10
Study on difference of blue-green water in Huangshui basin and green water under different types of land use based on SWAT model
投稿时间:2013-03-19  修订日期:2013-03-31
中文关键词:  蓝绿水  SWAT模型  土地利用  湟水流域
英文关键词:blue-green water  SWAT model  land use  Huangshui basin
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(40971298); 首都师范大学实验室开放基金(S120418); 首都师范大学研究生创新基金。
张 杰 首都师范大学 资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048 
贾绍凤 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101 
摘要点击次数: 2194
全文下载次数: 1258
      The spatial and temporal distribution of blue-green water is directly related to a region''s water resources and food security. This paper analyzed the law of time variation of blue-green water and distribution pattern of green water in different types of land use based on SWAT model during the period 1981-2000. The study showed that in huangshui basin the blue-green water is from precipitation. Compared to the blue water, The amount of green water is about 3.8times as large as that of green water. The differentiation of average annual green water flow is obvious in different types of land use, agriculture land is the largest, used land of residents is the minimum. The storage volume of Green water is relative rich in wetland and low coverage pasture. Taking 1981to 1985and 1996to 2000respectively as the former and the latter period, the paper got that the green water resources of land used by agriculture, the amount of change of green water storage was closed related to crop growth cycle and management condition.
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