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刘文龙,罗 纨,杨玉珍,卜凡敏.黄河三角洲暗管排水系统排水效果模拟研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2013,24(1):30-34
Simulation study on effect of subsurface drainage system layout in the Yellow River delta
投稿时间:2012-09-13  修订日期:2012-10-15
中文关键词:  暗管排水  田间水文  DRAINMOD模型  涝渍灾害  黄河三角洲
英文关键词:subsurface drainage  field hydrology  DRAINMOD model  waterlogged  Yellow River delta
刘文龙 西安理工大学 西北水资源与环境生态实验室, 陕西 西安 710048 
罗 纨 西安理工大学 西北水资源与环境生态实验室, 陕西 西安 710048 
杨玉珍 东营市黄河三角洲保护与发展研究中心, 山东 东营 257091 
卜凡敏 东营市黄河三角洲保护与发展研究中心, 山东 东营 257091 
摘要点击次数: 2465
全文下载次数: 1121
      Agricultural production is threatened by waterlogged and soil salinization due to the flat relief, concentrated rainfall in summer, shallow ground water and high salinity in the Yellow River delta, construction of drainage systems thus becomes a prerequisite for production of food and cotton in this area. As the current standards for subsurface drainage design are developed on the basis of average soil moisture condition, the stochastic nature of the hydrological process and the special feature of the regional hydrological factors are neglected. This paper studied the effects of subsurface drainage systems layout with the field hydrology model-DRAINMOD. The results showed that shallow drainage may better perform on water control of farmland, non-point source reduction and sea water intrusion prevention than the traditional deep drainage ditches in the study area. The simulated total drainage discharge was significantly less with the shallow subsurface drainage layout than with the traditional deep ditch system. The results may provide practical guidance for agricultural production and ecological environment protection in the Yellow River Delta.
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