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范永强,刘 旭,李会荣,贾 峰.黄河小北干流河段揭河底规律分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2012,23(5):145-147
Rule analysis of river bottom tearing in the Xiaobeiganmain stream of the Yellow River
投稿时间:2012-06-13  修订日期:2012-06-25
中文关键词:  高含沙水流  揭河底  黄河小北干流河段
英文关键词:hyper-concentration flow  bottom tearing  Xiaobeigan main stream of the Yellow River
范永强 山西黄河河务局, 山西 运城 044000 
刘 旭 山西黄河河务局, 山西 运城 044000 
李会荣 芮城黄河河务局, 山西 芮城 044600 
贾 峰 山西黄河河务局, 山西 运城 044000 
摘要点击次数: 7150
全文下载次数: 1912
      Bottom tearing" phenomenon is a unique way of sediment movement that high concentrated sediment flood possesses in the Yellow River. Based on the historical" bottom tearing" hydrological data statistics and analysis, the paper put forward the historical" bottom tearing " occurred in the water and sediment conditions, boundary conditions of river channels, channel deposit, and summarized its occurrence regularity. The study further explored bottom tearing scouring phenomenon" movement mechanism in Xiaobeigan main stream of the Yellow River", fully play its positive effect of the "bottom tearing scour shaping" narrow and deep channel, reduced its scour harm and have certain guidance meaning for treating the Yellow River in how to use "bottom tearing" law, draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages.
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