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Influence of Xin’anjiang model parameters change on rainfall-runoff process
投稿时间:2012-09-10  修订日期:2012-09-23
中文关键词:  降雨径流  新安江模型  模型参数  局部灵敏性分析
英文关键词:rainfall-runoff  Xin’anjiang model  model parameters  iocal sensitivity analysis
郝改瑞 西安理工大学 水利水电学院, 陕西 西安 710048 
李抗彬 西安理工大学 水利水电学院, 陕西 西安 710048 
李智录 西安理工大学 水利水电学院, 陕西 西安 710048 
冯雨石 重庆能源职业学院, 重庆 400041 
摘要点击次数: 2273
全文下载次数: 1423
      Hydrological model can simulate the natural river basin of rainfall runoff process in rainfall runoff process, the selection of the hydrological model parameters tend to affect the model simulation results of the runoff process.According to Xin’anjiang model, taking heihe basin of Jinpen reservoir for the study watershed, the paper analyzed the impact of xin ''an jiang model parameters on the simulation of rainfall runoff process, so as to determine the sensitive of xin ''an jiang model parameters, which serve the study basin flood season hydrological forecast parameter correction.The simulation results show that in the research watershed, Xin’anjiang model parameters such as KKSS, KKG, WLM, WDM, kg, k are sensitive parameter, witch has greater influence on the rainfall runoff process of simulation; Parameters such as WUM, IMP, B, c, SM, EX are non-sensitive parameters witch have less impact on the rainfall runoff process of analog basin.
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