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周 伟,赵丽娟,李道广.高水头电站垫层式蜗壳自振特性分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2012,23(4):171-175
Analysis of self-vibration characteristics of cushion type volute chamber in high water head hydropower station
投稿时间:2012-03-13  修订日期:2012-04-02
中文关键词:  垫层式蜗壳  自振特性  有限元  高水头电站
英文关键词:cushion type volute oramber  self vibration characteristic  finite element  high water head hydropower station
周 伟 四川大渡河双江口水电开发有限公司, 四川 马尔康 624000 
赵丽娟 四川大渡河双江口水电开发有限公司, 四川 马尔康 624000 
李道广 四川大渡河双江口水电开发有限公司, 四川 马尔康 624000 
摘要点击次数: 2067
全文下载次数: 1381
      The cushion type rolute chamber is a form of spiral case structure, because of the complex configuration of spiral case of cushion layer and it is generally difficult to control the transfer ratio of internal water pressure. For the analysis of steel spiral case in different layer elastic modulus and cushion angle under the action of self-vibration characteristics, study on the natural frequency of the self-vibration and the elastic modulus of cushion package, angular relationship. In this paper, 3D finite element model of steel spiral case was established by using a spring unit replacement cushion and the cushion and the simulation of concrete, considering the contact effects of steel and concrete, Simulation of cushion and concrete of steel spiral case role. Research shows that the natural frequency of vibration increases as the elastic modulus increases, decreases with the increase of cushion angle, the frequency can provide certain theory basis for the resonance vibration of unit.
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