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Key factors of water quality affecting fouling of the river water source pump heat exchanger
中文关键词:  江水源热泵  污垢  水质  含沙量  浊度
英文关键词:river water source heat pump  fouling  water quality  sediment  turbidity
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费科研专项(CDJZR10210007); “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目课题(2007BAB21B02-3)资助
白雪莲 重庆大学 城市建设与环境工程学院,重庆 400045 
程可辉 成都基准方中建筑设计事务所重庆分所, 重庆 400045 
摘要点击次数: 1966
全文下载次数: 885
      Fouling on heat exchanger of water source heat pump will not only increase resistance of import and export of the units,but also will cause efficiency of the heat exchanger to drop.River water quality plays a decisive role in polluting heat exchanger.The key of water quality factor to the formation of fouling on river water source heat pump and correlation analysis is foundation of water treatment evaluation and decision-making.Annual water quality testing and analysis in the Yangtze River and Jialing River in Chongqing area have been done.With the current allowing the water quality index contrast,comparison shows that the sediment concentration and turbidity is the key to solve the problem of river water source heat pump.Studies have shown that fouling of water source heat pump exchanger are mainly particulate fouling.Main ingredients are small particle size of sediment.Therefore,the sediment concentration and turbidity are identified to be the key factors of quality.For river sediment in accordance with the actual configuration consistent with the analysis of water samples,relationship between sediment concentration and turbidity equation has been obtained.And error analysis shows that predicted and measured values can be well fit.
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