雷玉涵, 孔 威, 栾晓波, 高 飞.旱作苹果园产量和土壤水分对不同水文年降水的响应Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(6):194-206
Yield and soil moisture response of rainfed apple orchards to precipitation in different hydrological years
中文关键词: 苹果园产量  土壤水分  水分胁迫  降水  WinEPIC模型  陕北
英文关键词: orchard yield  soil moisture  water stress  precipitation  WinEPIC model  northern Shaanxi
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52109065); 唐仲英基金资助项目(GTNWAF1710)
Author NameAffiliation
LEI Yuhan1,2, KONG Wei1,2, LUAN Xiaobo1,2, GAO Fei1,2 (1.西北农林科技大学 旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室 陕西 杨凌 712100 2.西北农林科技大学 水利与建筑工程学院 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
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      为探究陕北旱作果园产量与水分互馈机制,以宝塔区、洛川县、绥德县和子洲县4个区(县)的苹果园为例,基于WinEPIC模型,对1980—2018年不同降水情景下的果园产量和土壤水分变化动态进行模拟,探究水分供给对不同树龄果树的产量、土壤水分和水分胁迫的影响,并分析不同降水情景下陕北地区果树适宜的水分供给条件和种植年限。结果表明:历史降水情景下,果园年均产量高于连续平水年和枯水年降水条件下的产量;作物水分生产力在枯水年的波动大于平水年,连续缺水加剧了果园用水效率在年际间的不稳定性;连续平水年或枯水年降水情景下,绥德县和子洲县在树龄为4~25 a的果园产量的稳定性、高产性和可持续性更好;深层土壤水分随树龄的增大而减少,且有逐渐降至凋萎湿度的趋势,尤其是在连续枯水年降水条件下;连续平水年和枯水年降水条件导致的水分胁迫时间更长,造成的果园减产现象明显;发生连续枯水年降水时,应当注意蓄水保墒。
      In order to explore the mutual feedback mechanism of yield and water in dry orchards in northern Shaanxi Province, apple orchards in four counties of Baota, Luochuan, Suide, and Zizhou are selected for the case study. The dynamics of orchard yield and soil moisture were simulated and analyzed based on the WinEPIC model under different precipitation levels from 1980 to 2018. Meanwhile, the impact of water supply on the yield of apple trees of different ages, soil moisture and water stress were investigated to analyze the appropriate water supply quotas and planting years for apple trees under different precipitation levels in northern Shannxi. The results showed that the average annual orchard yield under historical precipitation was consistently higher than that under consecutive normal precipitation and moderately dry precipitation. The fluctuations of water productivity were greater in the moderately dry precipitation years than that in the normal precipitation years, indicating that continuous water shortage exacerbated the inter-annual instability of water use efficiency in the orchard. The orchards aged 4 to 25 years in Suide and Zizhou performed better in terms of yield stability, high yield, and sustainability under consecutive normal precipitation and moderately dry precipitation. The deep soil moisture decreased with the age of the trees and tended to gradually decrease to wilting point, especially under consecutive moderately dry precipitation. The water stress caused by consecutive normal precipitation or moderately dry precipitation was longer and triggered a more pronounced yield reduction. It is suggested that when consecutive moderately dry precipitation occurs, attention should be paid to water retention.
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