徐于杰, 王华宁, 胡 韬, 宋 飞.基于解析模型和机器学习的隧道衬砌压力预测模型Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(6):169-177
Prediction model for tunnel lining pressure based on analytical models and machine learning
中文关键词: 隧道衬砌支护力  黏弹塑性  LightGBM算法  机器学习  数据驱动预测模型
英文关键词: tunnel lining support force  viscoelastic-plastic  LightGBM algorithm  machine learning  data-driven predicting model
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (12272274)
Author NameAffiliation
XU Yujie1, WANG Huaning1,2, HU Tao2, SONG Fei2 (1.苏州科技大学 土木工程学院 江苏 苏州 215011 2.同济大学 航空航天与力学学院 上海 200092) 
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      For hydraulic tunnelling in rheological soft rocks, time-dependent support forces are likely to occur at the rock-support interface due to the interactions between the surrounding rocks and the support structures. A better understanding of the mechanism is crucial for the design of lining structures and the stability analysis of surrounding rocks. Numerical simulations of viscoelastic-plastic problems are time-consuming due to the large consumption of computational iterations and pre-/post- processing; meanwhile, the analytical approach needs complex formula derivation and program implementation. Therefore, both methods are far from satisfaction when it comes to engineering applications. In this study, a big group of datasets are obtained based on the viscoelastic-plastic analytical model for supported tunnels, with six different key parameters of material properties and geometry information of the surrounding rocks and support structures as the feature parameters. Subsequently, a data-driven model for predicting steady-state support forces is developed by LightGBM machine learning method. The results indicate that the model demonstrates stable predictive performance on the test set, with calibration determination coefficients for both the training and test sets exceeding 0.9, and mean absolute percentage errors below 4.2%, significantly outperforming other machine learning algorithms such as XGBoost and SVR. Finally, SHAP analysis is applied to assess the relationship between input features and predicted results, further enhancing the model’s interpretability and providing deeper insights into feature contributions. In summary, the developed data-driven model can rapidly predict steady-state support forces, and it can be further used in the design of support structures and other works of inverse analyses.
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