李 飘, 廖 奕, 常留红, 薛 雄, 胡鹏程, 朱 勇.渗流条件下多孔介质脉动注浆扩散规律研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(6):157-168
Diffusion patterns of pulsating grouting in porous media under seepage conditions
中文关键词: 脉动注浆  浆液扩散  多孔介质  渗流条件
英文关键词: pulsating grouting  slurry diffusion  porous medium  seepage condition
Author NameAffiliation
LI Piao1, LIAO Yi1, CHANG Liuhong1, XUE Xiong1, HU Pengcheng2, ZHU Yong1 (1.长沙理工大学 水利与环境工程学院 湖南 长沙 410114 2.中国电力建设集团有限公司 中国水利水电第八工程局有限公司科研设计院 湖南 长沙 410004) 
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      脉动注浆过程中浆液的有效扩散是提升防渗工程整体效能的关键。基于两相达西定律建立数值模型,模拟渗流条件下脉动注浆扩散过程,分析脉动注浆终压、脉动注浆时间及脉动连续段和间隔段等参数对渗流条件下多孔介质脉动注浆的影响。结果表明:浆液在脉动注浆压力的驱使下呈现逆水扩散区域和顺水扩散区域,注浆300 s时,顺水扩散半径是逆水扩散半径的2~4倍;随着脉动注浆终压增大和脉动注浆时间推进,浆液扩散距离呈对数增长,浆液扩散范围逐渐增大,浆液浓度逐渐增高;注浆900 s时,脉动注浆终压为2.4 MPa时浆液顺水扩散半径是脉动注浆终压为0.4 MPa时的23.5倍,注浆300 s时,浆液逆水扩散半径和浆液扩散开度达到稳定,脉动注浆终压为2.4 MPa时的浆液逆水扩散半径和浆液扩散开度分别是脉动注浆终压为0.4 MPa时的5.9和5.6倍;随着脉动连续段由2 s增加到10 s,浆液扩散距离呈对数增长;随着脉动间隔段由2 s增加到8 s,浆液扩散距离呈对数减小。
      Effective diffusion of slurry during pulsating grouting is crucial for improving the overall efficiency of seepage control projects. Based on the basic theory of two-phase Darcy’s law, a numerical model is established to simulate the pulsating grouting diffusion process under seepage conditions. The effects of parameters such as final pressure, duration, as well as successive period and intervals of pulsating grouting on the grouting of porous media are analyzed under seepage conditions. The results show that the slurry driven by the pulsating grouting pressure scatters both in the diffusion region against the flow and the diffusion region with the flow. When grouting for 300 seconds, the diffusion radius of the region with the flow is 2-4 times that of the region against the flow. As the final pressure of pulsating grouting increases and the duration advances, the diffusion distance of the slurry increases logarithmically, and the diffusion range and slurry concentration increases gradually. When grouting for 900 seconds, the diffusion radius of the slurry in the region with the flow at the final pressure of 2.4 MPa is 23.5 times that at the final pressure of 0.4 MPa. When grouting for 300 seconds, the diffusion radius and diffusion opening of the slurry in the region against the flow reach stability. When the final pressure of pulsating grouting is 2.4 MPa, the diffusion radius and diffusion opening of the slurry in the region against the flow are 5.9 and 5.6 times higher than when the final pressure is 0.4 MPa, respectively. As the successive period of pulsating grouting increases from two to ten seconds, the diffusion distance of the slurry increases logarithmically. As the pulsation interval increases from two seconds to eight seconds, the diffusion distance of the slurry decreases logarithmically.
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