孟 旭, 陈东霞, 陈 波, 袁 博.滨海悬挂式止水帷幕深基坑非稳定渗流模型Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(6):149-156
Unsteady seepage model for deep foundation pit with suspended curtain in coastal area
中文关键词: 滨海潮汐波动  止水帷幕  非稳定渗流  深基坑尺寸比  土层各向异性
英文关键词: coastal tidal fluctuation  suspended curtain  unsteady seepage  dimension ratio of deep foundation pit  soil layer anisotropy
Author NameAffiliation
MENG Xu1,2, CHEN Dongxia1,2, CHEN Bo3, YUAN Bo3 (1.厦门大学 建筑与土木工程学院 福建 厦门 361005 2.厦门大学 福建省滨海土木工程数字仿真重点实验室福建 厦门 361005 3.中铁南方投资集团有限公司 广东 深圳 518054) 
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      To clarify the influence of ocean tidal fluctuations on the dewatering engineering of deep foundation pits, an unsteady seepage model for the deep foundation pit with suspended curtain under tidal fluctuations was established. The semi-analytic solution of real domain space is obtained by Laplace transform, Fourier cosine transform, inverse transformation and Stehfest numerical inverse transformation. Subsequently, the semi-analytic solution is degenerated to a known solution, and a numerical model is established based on COMSOL, so as to verify the accuracy of the semi-analytic solution. Then, the influencing parameters of the semi-analytic solution are analyzed, and the results show that tidal fluctuations affect the dewatering effect of the foundation pit, peak tide level reduces the influence of the pumped well, while low tide level intensifies its influence. We suggest that the water curtain insertion ratio of the coastal foundation pit should be no less than 0.6 to alleviate the influence of the tide on the dewatering. With the increase of the dimension ratio, coastal foundation pits need to increase the amount of water pumped to meet the requirement of dewatering. The anisotropy of soil permeability coefficient has a great influence on groundwater seepage and should be considered in the design of actual dewatering engineering.
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