高志伟, 冯慧慧, 谢丽生, 刁 楠, 丁鹏程.抽水蓄能电站尾水事故闸门-门槽流固耦合动力特性研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(6):139-148
Dynamic characteristics of fluid-structure coupling of emergency gate-gate slot in pumped storage power stations
中文关键词: 尾水事故闸门  门槽  流固耦合  有限元分析  抽水蓄能电站
英文关键词: tail water emergency sluice gate  sluice gate slot  fluid-structure coupling  finite element analysis  pumped storage power station
Author NameAffiliation
GAO Zhiwei1, FENG Huihui1, XIE Lisheng2, DIAO Nan2, DING Pengcheng2 (1.河海大学 机电工程学院 江苏 常州 213022 2.上海勘测设计研究院有限公司 上海 200434) 
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      在实际工程中,抽水蓄能电站尾水事故闸门与门槽关系密切,在水流脉动作用下二者相互影响,形成一个整体。为了研究门槽对闸门的影响机制,以我国某大型抽水蓄能电站尾水事故闸门为例,采用ANSYS Workbench软件对其开展流固耦合动力特性研究。构建了考虑门槽存在与否的两种水体流场模型,对比了在不同开度(10%~80%)下,有、无门槽的流固耦合模型底部流场压力、流速以及闸门各构件应力、位移等物理要素的变化。结果表明:随着闸门开度的增大,两种水体作用下的闸门构件的等效应力和位移均逐渐减小;在开度较小的区间内,即便是微小的开度变化也会对闸门应力、变形参数产生显著影响;门槽的存在显著影响了流场区域的压力和流速分布,导致了低压区的分布变化、流速的增大和流体分层现象的加剧;考虑门槽模型时,闸门各构件的最大位移和应力均显著大于不考虑门槽模型时各构件的最大位移和应力。采用闸门-门槽体系模型可以更加准确而全面地评估抽水蓄能工程高水头平面事故闸门的流固耦合动力学特性。
      In practical engineering, tail water emergency sluice gate is closely linked to sluice gate slots in a pumped storage power station. Under the action of water pulsation, they interact with each other and form a new system. In order to study the influencing mechanism of sluice gate slots on tail water emergency sluice gate, the fluid-structure coupling numerical simulation of a sluice gate in a large pumped storage power station was carried out by ANSYS Workbench. Two kinds of water flow field models were constructed with the consideration of the presence or absence of gate slots. Subsequently, the changes of physical characteristics such as flow field pressure, velocity, stress and displacement of gate components in the fluid-structure coupling model with and without gate slots were studied under eight different gate opening degrees (10%-80%). The results show that the equivalent stress and displacement of the gate decrease gradually with the increase of sluice gate opening. In addition, even a slight change in opening can cast a significant impact on the stress and deformation parameters of the gate. The existence of the gate slot significantly affects the pressure and velocity distribution in the flow field, resulting in the distribution change of the low pressure area, the increase of flow velocity and the aggravation of fluid stratification. When considering the sluice gate slot model, the maximum displacement and stress of each component of the sluice gate are significantly greater than that without considering the sluice gate slot model. The sluice gate-gate slot system model can accurately and comprehensively evaluate the dynamics characteristics of the emergency sluice gates with high water head in pumped storage projects.
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