马 斌, 张子良, 缑文娟, 张 楠, 王天源.弗劳德数及雷诺数对泄洪洞高速水流掺气的影响Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(6):110-120
Effect of Froude number and Reynolds number on aeration of high-speed flow in spillway tunnel
中文关键词: 泄洪洞  高速水流  掺气浓度  弗劳德数  雷诺数  脉动压强
英文关键词: spillway tunnel  high-speed flow  aeration concentration  Froude number  Reynolds number  pulsating pressure
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52379077); 云南省重点研发计划项目(202203AA080009); 天津市应用基础研究项目(22JCYBJC01180); 河北省自然科学基金项目(E2023402015)
Author NameAffiliation
MA Bin, ZHANG Ziliang, GOU Wenjuan, ZHANG Nan, WANG Tianyuan (天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室 天津 300072) 
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      Based on the model construction of the deep hole spillway of Lianghekou Hydropower Station, the influence of Froude number and Reynolds number on high-speed flow aeration is studied. The results show that with the increase of Froude number and Reynolds number, the aeration effect of water flow is enhanced, and with the variation of Froude number, the aeration concentration in the same section presents C-shaped, S-shaped and horizontal distribution, respectively. According to the comparison of the relative position of the measured section and the distribution law of the aeration concentration, the relative positions of the aeration carrying area, the dissipation area and the uniform aeration mixing area are 0-1,1-1.5 and after 1.5, respectively. The bottom aeration concentration gradually decreases along the course, while the average aeration concentration increases first and then decreases; the bottom aeration concentration gradually increases with the increase of Froude number and Reynolds number, and the average aeration concentration gradually increases with the increase of Froude number and the decrease of Reynolds number. This study summarized the dominant frequency range of the negative pressure of the cavity, the bottom of the ventilation shaft, the end of the cavity length and the pulsating pressure of the flow; and discussed the relationship between cavity length, protection length, air-water ratio, negative pressure index and Froude number.
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