郭晓佳, 刘志超, 王瑞祥.可持续转型视角下山西省水生态安全评估与预警研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(6):63-74
Assessment and early warning of water ecological security in Shanxi Province from the sustainability transition perspective
中文关键词: 水生态安全  可持续转型  PSFR模型  BP神经网络  山西省
英文关键词: water ecological security  sustainability transition  pressure-state-function-response(PSFR) model  back propagation(BP) neural network  Shanxi Province
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Xiaojia, LIU Zhichao, WANG Ruixiang (山西师范大学 地理科学学院 山西 太原 030031) 
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      山西省正处于可持续转型的关键时期,科学评估水生态安全现状有利于社会经济发展和生态文明建设,为可持续转型发展提供强有力的水支撑。基于“压力-状态-功能-响应”(PSFR)模型建立评估体系,采用变异系数法、耦合协调度模型及灰色关联模型,从水生态压力、水生态状态、水生态功能、水生态响应4个方面探析2007—2021年山西省水生态安全时空演变特征及其影响因素,并利用BP神经网络模型对山西省水生态安全进行预警研究。结果表明:山西省水生态安全综合指数在2007—2021年由0.294 9增长至0.738 4,空间上中南部优于北部;各子系统综合指数呈波动上升趋势,耦合协调度由勉强协调提升至良好协调,空间上中部优于南北部;归一化植被指数、农业用水比例等是主要的影响因素;2022—2030年全省水生态安全等级均处于安全状态。研究结果可为山西省转型发展、水生态安全治理、生态环境管理提供理论支持。
      Shanxi Province is currently in the critical period of sustainability transition. Scientifically assessing the current status of water ecological security is conducive to socio-economic development and ecological civilization construction, which in turn can provide strong water support for sustainability transition. We established an assessment system based on the “pressure-state-function-response” (PSFR) model. Then the coefficient of variation method, coupling coordination degree model and grey relational model were combined to investigate the spatio-temporal pattern evolution characteristics and influencing factors of water ecological security in Shanxi Province from 2007 to 2021, from aspects of water ecological pressure, water ecological state, water ecological function and water ecological response. Meanwhile, back propagation (BP) neural network model was used to conduct the early warning analysis of water ecological security in Shanxi Province. The results show that the comprehensive index of water ecological security in Shanxi Province has increased from 0.294 9 to 0.738 4, and the south-central region is superior to the northern region from spatial perspective. The comprehensive index of each subsystem shows a fluctuating upward trend, and the degree of coupling coordination has improved from quasi-coordination to good coordination, with the central region better than the southern and northern regions. The main influencing factors of water ecological security are NDVI, proportion of agricultural water use and so on. The province’s water ecological security level will be in a safe condition from 2022 to 2030. The research results can provide a theoretical support for the development of sustainability transition, as well as management of water ecological security and ecological environment in Shanxi Province.
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