缑文娟, 沈正中, 李会平.低弗劳德数条件下尾坎坡度对消力池内流场结构的影响Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(5):114-122
Influence of end sill slope on flow fields in stilling basins under low Froude number conditions
中文关键词: 消力池  低弗劳德数水跃  尾坎坡度  流场结构  临底流速  数值模拟
英文关键词: stilling basin  low Froude number hydraulic jump  slope of end sill  flow field structure  underflow velocity  numerical analysis
Author NameAffiliation
GOU Wenjuan, SHEN Zhengzhong, LI Huiping (天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室天津 300350) 
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      低水头、大流量条件下泄洪,易形成低弗劳德数水流,对下游河床和边坡造成冲刷风险。基于某水利枢纽工程,采用数值模拟的方法,应用RNG k-ε数值模型,研究了不同尾坎坡度体型下消力池内低弗劳德数水跃的流场特征。研究结果表明:低弗劳德数来流条件下,消力池内形成的淹没式水跃沿水流方向可分为核心区、发展区和回流区;核心区在水深方向上按流速特性又分为射流内层、射流外层、旋滚内层和旋滚外层;不同尾坎坡度的消力池中,均遵循时均压强沿程增大、临底流速自收缩断面后沿程减小的规律;尾坎坡度变陡会使得水跃的旋滚起始断面向上游移动,旋滚终止断面向下游移动,从而使得旋滚长度增大;当尾坎坡度为1∶3时,尾坎斜坡段临底流速梯度为0,当尾坎坡度小于1∶3时,尾坎斜坡段临底流速梯度为负,当坡度大于1∶3时,流速梯度为正,其原因是尾坎坡度变陡使得尾坎对水体的阻力在平行于尾坎坡面方向的分量减小,从而使得流速梯度逐渐增大。研究成果可为类似工程中消力池的设计选型提供参考。
      Low Froude number hydraulic jumps always occur under the conditions of large discharge with low hydraulic head, causing the risk of scour damage to the downstream riverbed and slopes. This paper addresses the characterization of low Froude number jumps on cases of different slopes of end sill in a hydraulic project using numerical analysis. The results show that under low Froude number inflow, submerged transition flow is formed in the stilling basin, and the flow field of the submerged transition jump is divided into core zone, developing zone, and backflow zone in the horizontal direction. The core zone is then divided into jet inner layer, jet outer layer, roller inner layer, and roller outer layer in the vertical direction based on the velocity characteristics. The time-mean pressure increases and the bottom velocity decreases along the course in all types of stilling basins. The steepening of the end sill slope causes the starting plane of the roller to move upstream and ending plane to move downstream, resulting in a longer roller. The gradient of the underflow velocity in the end sill slope section is 0 when the slope ratio is 1∶3, it is negative when the slope ratio is less than 1∶3 and positive when the slope ratio is greater than 1∶3. This is because the steeper slope reduces the resistance of the end sill to the water in the direction parallel to the slope, resulting in a gradual increase in velocity gradient. These findings can provide a reference for the design of stilling basins in similar projects.
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