许增光, 阳勇波, 曹 成, 付 涵, 张泽源.渗漏入口大小及形状对拟流场法渗漏探测的影响研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(3):129-135
Influence of leakage inlet size and shape on leak detection by the pseudo-flow field method
中文关键词: 堤坝渗漏  拟流场法  渗漏入口  电流密度  测线布置
英文关键词: dam leakage  pseudo-flow field method  leakage inlet  current density  monitoring line arrangement
Author NameAffiliation
XU Zengguang, YANG Yongbo, CAO Cheng, FU Han, ZHANG Zeyuan (西安理工大学 西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室 陕西 西安 710048) 
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      To delve into the influence patterns of leakage inlet size and shape on the leak detection by the pseudo-flow field method, we employed numerical modeling of dam leakage to simulate real-world detection scenarios. We investigated the fundamental distribution characteristics of the pseudo-flow field in reservoirs and revealed the distribution patterns of current density near leakage inlets of different sizes and shapes. Empirical formulas were proposed to determine the range of influence and corresponding peak current density of leakage inlets of different sizes under two scenarios, namely, inlet parallel to the dam axis, inlet parallel to the dam surface and perpendicular to the dam axis. It is found that the shape of the inlet can be controlled by adjusting the length-to-width ratio, the current density of the linear leakage inlet is lower than that of the circular one of the same area. Additionally, the influence range of the linear leakage inlet along the short edge is larger than that of the circular one of the same length, whereas that along the long edge is smaller. The study revealed the influence of the size and shape of leakage inlets on the distribution of current density along monitoring lines, providing a basis for the determination of the size and shape of leakage inlets according to the distribution of current density along monitoring lines in practical detection.
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