支鸣强, 常仁凯, 刘红伟, 常大海.融入信息服务能力的庄墓河河流健康管理评价Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(3):75-80
River health assessment of the Zhuangmu River integrating information service capability
中文关键词: 河流健康管理评价  层次分析法  综合模糊评价法  信息化  庄墓河
英文关键词: evaluation of river health management  analytic hierarchy process  comprehensive fuzzy evaluation method  informatization  the Zhuangmu River
基金项目:长江中下游崩岸险情智能感知预警与防治关键技术研究及示范项目(S Q2023YFC3200149);巢湖流域农业面源污染全程防治与智能管控技术集成及应用项目(2023YFD1702100);江苏省省级水利科技项目(2023019、2022066)
Author NameAffiliation
ZHI Mingqiang1, CHANG Renkai2, LIU Hongwei1, CHANG Dahai2 (1.江苏省太湖地区水利工程管理处江苏 苏州 215100 2.中水三立数据技术股份有限公司安徽 合肥 230031) 
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      The conventional river health assessment system mainly focuses on the aspects of “basin”, “water,” biology and social service functions, lacks the integration of information technology methods and fails to meet the requirements of the rapid development of water conservancy information technology. Regarding to these disadvantages, relevant indicators of river informatization was introduced to construct a river health assessment system that considers the river information service capability by means of analytic hierarchy process and entropy weight method. There were 18 indicators in the evaluation system, from aspects of hydrology, water quality, biology, habitat physics, social service function and information service capability, and the comprehensive fuzzy evaluation system was utilized to evaluate the river health status. The feasibility of this system was verified by the case study of the river health assessment of the Zhuangmu River. By integrating information service capability, the evaluation frequency was increased, which changed the previous passive evaluation into active push and active acquisition, and realized the upgrade of river and lake health management methods and capabilities.
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