孙 同, 何 理, 刘 骁, 李彦仪.地下水生态保护补偿制度发展现状与完善路径探索Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(3):11-17
Analysis and improvement of groundwater eco-compensation system
中文关键词: 地下水  生态保护补偿制度; 立法; 补偿边界; 市场化
英文关键词: groundwater  eco-compensation mechanism  legislation  compensation boundary  marketization
Author NameAffiliation
SUN Tong1,2, HE Li1,2, LIU Xiao3, LI Yanyi1,2 (1.天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室 天津 300072 2.天津大学 建筑工程学院天津 300350 3.天津大学 法学院 天津 300072) 
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      In order to enhance the safety of groundwater ecology, the eco-compensation system should be established and related policies should be perfected accordingly. We sorted out the sequence of groundwater eco-compensation strategies from both China and abroad based on the relevant regulations and laws at the time to analyze the current issues faced by the nation’s groundwater eco-compensation system. Based on the analysis, the pathways for improving the legislation of the system are proposed, including enhance the conventional groundwater eco-compensation system, establish a scientific compensation boundary determination method, build a high-quality monitoring system for groundwater eco-compensation, standardize the information included in the agreements for groundwater eco-compensation, develop a market-driven, diversified, and well-coordinated eco-compensation participation mechanism, so as to promote high-quality development of groundwater in China.
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