吕国儿, 尚 进, 黄珊珊, 李沙罡.硫酸盐和氯盐对砂浆宏微观力学性能的影响Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(2):159-166
Macro-and micro-mechanical properties of mortar under sulfate and cloride attack
中文关键词: 硫酸盐侵蚀  氯盐侵蚀  力学性能  砂浆  维氏硬度评估模型
英文关键词: sulfate attack  chloride attack  mechanical property  mortar  Vickers hardness evaluation model
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(51509081); 中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司科技立项(KY2021-XNY-02-05)
Author NameAffiliation
LV Guoer1, SHANG Jin1, HUANG Shanshan1, LI Shagang2 (1.中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 浙江 杭州 311122 2.河海大学 港口海岸与近海工程学院 江苏 南京 210024) 
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      Salt lakes and seawater contain a large amount of sulfates and chlorides, which can cause degradation of underwater concrete structures from the outer surface to the inner core. According to the heterogeneous corrosion characteristics of mortar under sulfate and chloride attack, a series of tests, including X-ray diffraction, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and Vickers hardness tests, were conducted on samples exposed to different corrosion conditions to investigate the evolution of phase composition and macro-and micro-mechanical properties of mortar. A Vickers hardness evaluation model was developed by modifying Logistic function. The results revealed that the corrosion products of sulfate and chloride decreased under combined sulfate and chloride attack. Moreover, the distribution of Vickers hardness along depth under combined attack could be divided into three phases, namely, ascending, descending and stable phase. The proposed evaluation model accurately described the Vickers hardness distribution of mortar in sulfate and chloride environment. Additionally, Vickers hardness was shown to be effective in analyzing the evolution of compression resistance in different corrosion depths. The research findings could provide some reference for durability evaluation and restoration of concrete structures.
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