陶 怡, 严栋飞, 马玲娜, 杨会甲, 张建奇.基于CFD的管道漏损模拟检测与评估研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2024,35(2):122-129
Simulation detection and evaluation of pipeline leakage based on computational fluid dynamics
中文关键词: 计算流体动力学  管道漏损  压力流速监测  数值模拟
英文关键词: computational fluid dynamics (CFD)  pipeline leakage  pressure and flow velocity monitoring  numerical simulation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52009104、52079106); 中德国际合作交流项目(M-0427); 陕西省科技创新团队项目(2020TD-023)
Author NameAffiliation
TAO Yi, YAN Dongfei, MA Lingna, YANG Huijia, ZHANG Jianqi (西安航天自动化股份有限公司 陕西 西安 710065) 
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      为研究管道漏损对供水管道中水力要素变化的影响,基于计算流体动力学(CFD)方法模拟分析了有、无漏损点和不同漏损点尺寸下供水管道内部水流流动及流场变化过程。以1#管道模拟结果为例,t=4 s时,无漏损管道拟设漏损点附近流速为0.16 m/s,压力为0.015 kPa;漏损管道漏损点附近流速峰值为0.32 m/s,压力峰值为0.068 kPa。管道整体结果表明1,管道无泄漏时,拟设漏损点附近管段内压力和流速波动较小;因泄漏,漏损管道漏损点附近管段内压力和流速出现峰值,且由沿程变化曲线可得,漏损点下游管段内压力和流速大小明显低于无漏损管道。不同模拟条件下漏损点所在管道内流速和压力具有相似的数值变化规律,但压力比流速变化更剧烈。漏损点尺寸大小与管道内流速和压力的数值变化成反比。本研究对供水管道漏损监测方案制定及监测设备布局优化具有重要的参考价值。
      In order to study the impact of leakage on the change of hydraulic factors in water supply pipelines, the internal flow and flow field change process of a water supply pipeline with or without leakage point and different leakage point sizes were simulated based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. According to the simulation results of pipeline 1, when t=4 s, the flow velocity near the proposed leakage point of the non-leakage pipeline was 0.16 m/s, and the pressure was 0.015 kPa; whereas the peak velocity of the pipeline with leakage was 0.32 m/s, and the peak pressure was 0.068 kPa. The overall results of the pipeline show that when there is no leakage in the pipeline, the fluctuation of pressure and flow velocity in the pipeline section near the proposed leakage point is small. Due to the leakage, the pressure and flow velocity in the pipeline section near the leakage point reach the peak value, and the pressure and flow velocity in the downstream pipeline section of the leakage point are significantly lower than those of the non-leakage pipeline. Under different simulation conditions, the variation trends of flow velocity and pressure in the pipeline with leakage are consistent, but the pressure changes more sharply than the flow velocity. In addition, the change of leakage point size is inversely proportional to the change of flow velocity and pressure in the pipeline. This study can provide some referential value for the formulation of water supply pipeline leakage monitoring scheme and the optimization of monitoring equipment layout.
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