赵明哲, 樊 牧, 沈立锋, 赵培双, 马 俊, 唐小松, 罗 航, 宋博旭, 聂兵兵.基于GAMLSS-GLO及随机森林算法的土石坝渗流监测模型Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2023,34(5):198-206
Seepage monitoring model of earth-rock dam based on GAMLSS-GLO and random forest algorithm
中文关键词: 土石坝渗流量  回归分析  GAMLSS模型  随机森林算法  区间预测
英文关键词: seepage flow of earth-rock dam  regression analysis  GAMLSS model  random forest algorithm  interval prediction
基金项目:“十四五”国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3005401); 云南省重点研发计划项目(202203AA080009)
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Mingzhe1, FAN Mu1, SHEN Lifeng1, ZHAO Peishuang1, MA Jun1, TANG Xiaosong1, LUO Hang1, SONG Boxu1, NIE Bingbing2 (1.华能澜沧江水电股份有限公司糯扎渡水电厂 云南 普洱 665005
2.华能澜沧江水电股份有限公司 云南 昆明 650214) 
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      The key problems of the seepage flow monitoring of earth-rock dams are how to clarify the influence of water level, rainfall and other factors, how to simulate the real seepage flow and evaluate the results of the seepage monitoring based on the prototype observation. In view of this, a regression model of seepage flow and upstream and downstream water levels is established under the condition of no rainfall using the random forest algorithm and the principles of mathematical statistics. Regarding to the comprehensive influence of the seepage flow on the accumulated rainfall in the earlier period, the Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape of Generalized Logistic Distribution (GAMLSS-GLO) is introduced to simulate the fluctuation intervals of the monitoring values of seepage flow under the influence of rainfall. Then, GAMLSS-GLO is superimposed with the seepage flow-water level regression model to predict the reliable intervals of the seepage flow. Finally, the method is applied to the seepage monitoring of the core wall earth-rock dam in Nuozhadu Reservoir. The results show that the proposed method shows good applicability to the water level and rainfall response of seepage flow, it can significantly improve the quality of seepage simulation prediction, and solve the confidence intervals of seepage flow, which is conducive to judging the operation condition and safety monitoring of earth-rock dams.
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