牛晓瑜, 吴梦迪, 林 玲, 孙秋慧, 徐国宾.引水改善星海湖的水动力-水质特性数值模拟Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2023,34(5):140-148
Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics-water quality characteristics of Xinghai Lake improved by water diversion
中文关键词: 湖泊治理  引水量  水动力-水质特性  水文特征  数值模拟  星海湖
英文关键词: lake governance  water diversion volume  hydrodynamics-water quality characteristics  hydrological characteristics  numerical simulation  Xinghai Lake
Author NameAffiliation
NIU Xiaoyu1, WU Mengdi1, LIN Ling2, SUN Qiuhui2, XU Guobin1 (1.天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室 天津300354 2.中水北方勘测设计研究有限责任公司 天津 300222) 
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      针对星海湖存在的湖泊水动力不足与水质恶化等水生态问题,通过建立二维水动力-水质模型,选取化学需氧量(COD)为水质指标,计算了12种不同水文特征与引水量工况,分析引用不同黄河水量下湖区水动力和水质指标的变化及空间分布情况。结果表明:引入黄河水能够有效改善星海湖的水动力与水质状况,减小滞水面积,降低COD浓度;在相同水文特征工况中,水质指标COD浓度随着引水量的增加而逐渐降低,且其削减率逐渐提高;在相同引水量工况中,丰水年水质指标COD削减率普遍高于枯水年和平水年;枯水年和平水年引水量分别为1 400×104和700×104 m3时能够达到地表水Ⅲ类水质标准。
      In view of water ecological problems such as insufficient hydrodynamic power and deteriorating water quality in Xinghai Lake, a two-dimensional hydrodynamic water quality model was established with chemical oxygen demand (COD) as the water quality indicator. 12 working conditions under different hydrological characteristics and water diversion volumes were calculated to analyze the changes and spatial distribution of hydrodynamics and COD in the lake area under different water quantities from the Yellow River. The results show that the diversion of the Yellow River water can effectively improve the hydrodynamics and water quality of Xinghai Lake, reduce the area of stagnation and COD concentration. Under the same hydrological working condition, COD concentration gradually decreases with the increase of water diversion and its reduction rate gradually increases; under the same water diversion conditions, COD reduction rate in high flow years is generally higher than that in low flow years and normal flow years. In addition, water diversion volumes of 14×106 and 7×106 m3 are needed to meet the Class Ⅲ water standard of surface water in low flow years and normal flow years respectively.
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