杨妮娟, 王晓云, 李建柱, 张 婷, 冯 平.桃林口水库流域氮磷污染负荷对土地利用的响应分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2023,34(5):61-69
Response of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution load to different land use patterns in Taolinkou Reservoir basin
中文关键词: 非点源污染  氮磷污染负荷  土地利用方式  污染负荷流失  SWAT模型  桃林口水库流域
英文关键词: non-point source pollution  pollution load of nitrogen and phosphorus  land use pattern  pollution load loss  SWAT model  Taolinkou Reservoir basin
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Nijuan1, WANG Xiaoyun2, LI Jianzhu1, ZHANG Ting1, FENG Ping1 (1.天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室 天津 300350 2.中水北方勘测设计研究有限责任公司 天津 300222) 
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      Non-point source pollution has become the main target of water pollution prevention and control, the polluant loss is closely related to the land use patterns. In this study, the non-point source pollution load in Taolinkou Reservoir basin was simulated by SWAT non-point source pollution model. The effects of different land use on nitrogen and phosphorus loss rates were studied, and the changes of non-point source pollution load loss under two land use patterns in 2014 and 2019 were quantitatively analyzed. The results showed that the SWAT non-point source pollution model was suitable for the simulation of non-point source pollution in the basin. In a single land use type, the pollutant loss rate ranked as follows: cultivated land (Ⅱ) > grassland (Ⅲ) > residential land (Ⅷ) > woodland (Ⅰ). The combination of woodland could effectively reduce the load loss rate of sub-basins, compared with any single land use. The pollution yield per unit area of different land use varied greatly, that of woodland was the lowest, whereas that of cultivated land was the highest. Compared with 2014, the area of woodland increased and the area of cultivated land and grassland decreased in 2019, and the output of TN and TP load decreased by 34.43% and 23.75%, respectively. The results of this study can provide a technical support for the water environment pollution management of the Taolinkou Reservoir basin.
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